Officer of the court

In common law jurisdictions, the generic term officer of the court is applied to all those who, in some degree in the function of their professional or similar qualifications, have a part in the legal system. Officers of the court may include entities such as judges, lawyers, and paralegals, and should not be confused with court officers, the law enforcement personnel who work in courts. In French-speaking jurisdictions, officers of the court, excluding judges, are known as auxiliaires de justice[1] (literally, auxiliaries of justice[2]), not to be confused with judicial assistants.

Officers of the court have legal and ethical obligations. They are tasked to participate to the best of their ability in the functioning of the judicial system to forge justice out of the application of the law and the simultaneous pursuit of the legitimate interests of all parties and the general good of society.

  1. ^ BAUMANN, Serge BRAUDO-Alexis. "Auxiliaire de justice - Définition". Dictionnaire Juridique (in French). Retrieved 2023-04-26.
  2. ^ "Fiche du terme : Auxiliaire de justice - Thésaurus de l'activité gouvernementale". (in French). Retrieved 2023-04-26.