
An anaphrodisiac (also antaphrodisiac or antiaphrodisiac) is a substance that quells or blunts the libido. It is the opposite of an aphrodisiac, something that enhances sexual appetite. The word anaphrodisiac comes from the Greek privative prefix ἀν-, denoting negation, and aphrodisiac, from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. Some people use anaphrodisiacs in order to curb a very high libido or due to hypersexuality.[1] However anaphrodisiacs are also used by those with an average libido, at times due to having incessant schedules.[2]

  1. ^ Gawin, Frank H. "Pharmacologic enhancement of the erotic: Implications of an expanded definition of aphrodisiacs." Journal of Sex Research 14.2 (1978): 107–117.
  2. ^ Bills, S. A., and DAVID F. Duncan. "Drugs and sex: a survey of college students' beliefs." Perceptual and Motor Skills 72.3_suppl (1991): 1293–1294.